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Welcome to the Synodal Pathway

16th Ordinary General Assembly
of the Synod on Synodality
Final Document Published

To access the final synodal document,
click on the link below
To read Pope Francis' homily from the final Mass marking the conclusion of the synod, click below:
The final document from the 16th Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod was published on the conclusion of the final session. The document is a culmination of heartfelt discussions, diverse voices, and the shared commitment of people around the world, dedicated to strengthening our journey together. The SynodalJourney that began in 2021 is not ending here—it’s only just beginning. This document opens new pathways for us to move forward as Missionary Disciples and Pilgrims of Hope on our shared journey together.
in his closing address, Pope Francis remarked, "In our time marked by wars, we must be witnesses of peace, even by learnin hoe to live out our differences in conviviality. For this reason, I do not intend to publish an Apostolic Exhortation. There are already highly concrete indicationsin the Document that can be a guide for the mission of the Churches, in their specific continents and contexts. That is why I am making it immediately available to everyone."
In the homily of the Mass of the conclusion of the synod, Pope Francis drew the picture of a church community that "lays down the mantle of resignation" and "dirty their hands" in the midst of the evils of humanity as "children slaves to work". Like Bartimaeus, we have been called to rise, see anew, and follow Christ on the way.
'In trust, confidence and love' - the Synodal Pathway.
Father Declan Hurley, Chairperson of the National Synodal Team, delivers the homily at Mass with members of the commissions, councils, agencies, and volunteers of the Irish Bishops’ Conference,
1 Oct 2024, in advance of the commencement of the universal synod, Rome.

'Synodality Explored: Facing the Future Together’
International Conference at Knock Shrine
in association with Notre Dame University, Australia

Prof. Eamonn Conway, Fr Eugene, Nicola Mitchell, Cardinal Mario Grech, Julieann Moran, Fr Declan Hurley and Fr Richard Gibbons at the Synodality Conference, Knock Shrine
Cardinal Mario Grech, Secretary-General of the synod, delivered the keynote address at the April 19-20 conference: "Synodality Explored: Facing the Future Together" at Knock Shrine.
Click above to watch Cardinal Grech’s full keynote address.

Photos: Knock Shrine
Fr. Declan Hurley, Parish Administrator, Navan, and Chair of the National Synodal Team delivered a conference paper entitled,
'Imagining Co-responsibility in the Irish Context: A Synodal Adventure'.

Click on Synod logo to read
Fr. Declan Hurley's Conference Paper
Following the Winter General Meeting of the Irish Bishops’ Conference, a research report, commissioned by the National Steering Committee of the Irish Synodal Pathway was published.
In keeping with the spirit and methodology of the synodal process, the National Steering Committee wanted to ensure that those who worked to create the spaces for others to be heard (during the Diocesan Stage of the synodal process in 2022) were afforded that same space for reflection and listening. The report provides valuable insights into the experiences, motivations and concerns of local leaders. It reflects a group that is diverse in terms of experiences and opinions, but united in their concern for the present and future mission of the Church, and in the conviction that the synodal process is an important development in the life of the Church.
In fulfilment of its remit to guide a two-year process of synodal listening and discernment for the Catholic Church in Ireland, the Report from the Steering Committee for the Synodal Pathway of the Catholic Church in Ireland has now been published. Documenting the learning and offering recommendations to help shape and inform the next phase of the Irish Synodal Pathway, the report provides:
an overview of the work carried out
an explanation of the key milestones on the journey so far
key features of the context in which the Catholic Church in Ireland is undertaking this synodal journey
examples of synodal dialogue and outreach to illustrate the variety, creativity and significance of the work that has taken place to date
key themes in the learning from this initial two-year phase
insights into the experiences, motivations and concerns of local leaders (arising from research published separately at Report)
a series of recommendations for the next phase of the Irish Synodal Pathway
An brief executive summary is available on
pages 4 – 7 of the Report.

Click on image above for
Click on image above for
Documents from the Synodal Process
Final Document 2024
Synthesis Report
First Session
Diocesan Phase
Continental Phase
Instrumentum Laboris 2024
Synod - October 2023
National Phase
Synodal Timeline
Instrumentum Laboris 2023

"In the Church, everything starts with baptism. Baptism, the source of our life, gives rise to the equal dignity of the children of God, albeit in the diversity of ministries and charisms. Consequently, all the baptised are called to take part in the Church's life and mission."
Pope Francis, opening Mass for the Synod, 'For a Synodal Church, Communion, Participation and Mission'