Meath Samuel Group
A guided spirutal formation programme for young adults (ages 18-39)

Registration is now Open for 2024-2025
Graces & Gratitudes... from Samuel Group Participants 2023-2024
“I received the grace of learning how unconditional God’s love is.”
“I received the grace of healing and peace.”
“I was able to hear God more clearly and I began experiencing more graces through silent prayer – yielding to the Lord and hearing what He has to say.”
“My prayer became more focused. The Examen Prayer taught me to really be interacting with God.”
“I received the grace of healing.”
“My prayer changed and grew by my learning about prayer and Scripture in ways I had not thought about before.”
“My prayer grew to be more focused and became more important to me.”
“I’m grateful for meeting like minded people and learning to surrender to God.”
“I became more aware of God around me and not stuck to a ritual without soul.”
“Through spiritual direction I was able to talk about my prayer life, receive guidance, and it developed and improved a lot.”
“My prayer became more regular and focused. Through Samuel Group I received graces of peace, prayer and consolation.”
I learned that God is always working even at times when I don’t feel it.”
“Something I’m grateful for from Samuel Group is forgiveness and discernment through carrying out an Examen each day.”
“Through Samuel Group my demeanour has changed (so much that my family has noticed) which makes me very happy.”
“One thing I’m grateful for from Samuel Group is the friendships I made and I found that having meetups each month helped me to be accountable regarding my prayer life.”
It encouraged me to seek out for events to grow in my faith and meet other young people who are deep in the faith.”

Are you ready
for a faith-filled journey?
Samuel Groups take their name from the story of the Prophet Samuel told in Chapter 3 of the First Book of Samuel in the Old Testament. Samuel, still a young boy, hears a voice call him by name and thinks it is the voice of the priest Eli. At first Eli does not realise what is happening but when the call is repeated a number of times he recognises that this is the voice of God. He tells Samuel that when he next hears the voice he should answer, “Speak, Lord, your servant is listening.” The story of Samuel’s Vocations begins…

Religious Life

Speak Lord, your servant is listening
(1 Samuel 3:10)

Registration for Meath Samuel Group 2024-2025

Who are Samuel Groups suitable for?
Samuel Groups are for young adults (age 18-39), who are seeking to grow in the spiritual life and are wondering what God is calling them to do with their lives. The aim is to help participants discern their direction in life, whether this is to marriage or dedicated single life, to priesthood or consecrated life. It would also suit those who are making decisions about their career, or about spending time as a missionary or volunteer.
All those who take part, grow their understanding of what it is to make decisions as a Christian; the main aim is that participants will end the programme with a clearer view of God’s will for their life. The groups wil help ignite a passion for listening to and serving the Lord. It will lay the foundation for living a discerning life in the day to day and in the bigger decisions of life.
What happens in the monthly group meeting?
The heart of the group meetings is a time of Lectio Divina or prayer with the Bible. As well as this there will be some social time, and often a guest speaker and time for discussion. The precise details will vary from group to group. During the sessions, participants will explore and grow in their understanding of the various ways God speaks to them in the depths of their hearts through self-knowledge, interior freedom and daily personal prayer.

What time commitment is involved?
Participants take time to Listen to God and His Word speaking to their life. They commit to attending monthly meetings over a period of eight months with the Group and to meeting individually with a spiritual guide.
What is a Spiritual Guide?
Guides are experienced people of prayer who walk with those they are guiding, and can suggest ways of renewing and deepening prayer. They listen as participants speak about their prayer life and can help them clarify what God is saying in prayer.
The monthly meeting with a spiritual guide is a time for the Samuel participant to speak in total confidentially about their prayer-life and their spiritual journey. Participants will share with their guide the question(s) they are bringing before God during the time of the Samuel Group and guides will help them to explore the decisions in the light of prayer.
Let us join you on your journey!
St. Anthony's Convent
Dublin Road
Co. Louth
Tel: 041 98-30-441