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Pastoral Resources

Feast of the Baptism of the Lord
Renewal of Baptismal Promises

Epiphany Blessing for a Home
6th January 2024

A Nativity Among the Rubble
A Family Prayer Service

Celebrating 800 Years of
the Christmas Crib

A Child's Christmas Prayer
at the Crib

Feast of St. Finnian, Bishop
Patron of the Diocese

Bambinelli Sunday

Advent Calendar

First Communion Resource
Advent 2023

Advent Prayer Service

In November, We Remember
Holy Communion Resource

Enrolment Ceremony
First Holy Communion

Liturgy of Remembrance
November Resources

Litany for Peace
in Gaza- Israel Conflict

7 Ways to Pray for
Gaza-Israel Conflict

Prayers for Peace
Gaza-Israel Conflict

World Mission Sunday
Mass Text - 22nd October 2023

Blessing of Animals
Feast of St. Francis

Assembly Service at Beginning
of New School Year 2023

Mass for the New School Year
Secondary School 2023

Prayer for Students
Returning to School

National Novena to
Our Lady of Knock

Summer Prayers
for Families

World Day for Grandparents
and the Elderly 2023

Day for Life 2023
Pastoral Resources

Epiphany Blessing of Chalk
(For Priests)

Feast of Mary,
Mother of God

Blessing for the Feast
of the Holy Family

A Christmas Prayer
For Peace 2023

Blessing of Christmas Tree
and Advent Wreath

Advent Penitential Service

The Jesse Tree

Blessing of Advent Wreath
Advent Wreath Resources

Confirmation Resource
Advent 2023

In November, We Remember
Confirmation Resource

Prisoners' Sunday
Resources 2023

Enrolment Ceremony
Sacrament of Confirmation

Resources for Harvest
Mass/Service of Thanksgiving

Prayer Service for Peace
In Gaza & Israel

Gaza-Israel Conflict
Prayers of the Faithful

World Mission Sunday
Children's Mission Resources

Safeguarding Sunday
8th October 2023

Prayers for Leaving Cert Students
Choosing the Right Path

Blessing for
New School Year 2023

Mass for the New School Year
Primary School 2023

Fifth Anniversary
World Meeting of Families

Prayers for Motorists
and Those Travelling

Mass of St. Oliver Plunkett
Feast Day: 1st July

Father's Day Resources
18th June 2023

First Holy Communion
Suggested Mass of Thanksgiving

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