Parish Pastoral Assembly
“There is a variety of gifts but always the same Spirit; there are all sorts of service to be done, but always the same Lord; working in all sorts of different people, it is the same God who is working in all of them.”
(I Cor. 12:4-6).
As parishes continue the good work of commissioning their Parish Pastoral Assemblies, Bishop Deenihan and Fr Derek Darby, Episcopal Vicar for Pastoral Planning & Development, met with priests and chairpersons from Parish Pastoral Assemblies across the Diocese recently. Bishop Deenihan expressed his deep appreciation for the commitment and time given by members of Pastoral Assemblies to their parishes. He outlined some of the opportunities emerging in the Diocese and invited assemblies to begin exploring ways they can work more collaboratively with their neighbouring parishes, share resources, and support ongoing faith formation and evangelisation to ensure the sacramental life of parishes can be supported and developed.
Pictured are members of the Navan Parish Pastoral Assembly who were formally commissioned at Sunday Mass, 9 June, 2024 in St. Mary’s, Navan.
Parish Pastoral Assembly Resources
The template opposite can be used to commission the newly trained Parish Pastoral Assembly as it is formally given it's commission in pastoral ministry.
The template opposite should assist the newly commissioned Parish Pastoral Assembly in formalising their Constitution. Once complete, the PPA's Constitution should be returned to the Diocesan Office.
Training of Parish Pastoral Assemblies Continues
'The Parish Pastoral Assembly is a faith-filled, consultative body of the faithful, through which priests and people work together as co-responsible partners in furthering the mission of Christ in their own parish.'
Sixty Four parishes have now completed the process of establishing and training a Parish Pastoral Assembly in the Diocese of Meath. Bishop Tom has expressed his gratitude to parishioners across the Diocese for their commitment to the process and their generosity of spirit in volunteering to serve their parish.
Fr. Derek Darby, Episcopal Vicar for Pastoral Planning and Development, along with the Leadership Training Team continue to work with parishes in facilitating this process.

Congratulations to members of the newly formed Parish Pastoral Assembly in Ashbourne-Donaghmore Parish who completed their training on the 23rd September, 2023 and now begin their service in their parish.
Workshop on Discernment

Congratulations to Parish Pastoral Assemblies in the Navan Deanery who participated in a workshop on 'Discernment' in St. Anne's Resource Centre, Navan, 3rd October 2023 as part of their on-going formation.