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World Day of Prayer for Peace 2024

Artificial Intelligence and Peace

World Day of Prayer for Peace 2024

Pope Francis’ message for World Day of Prayer for Peace 2024 emphasizes the positive contributions of science and technology to human progress while cautioning against the potential risks posed by advances in artificial intelligence (AI). He discusses the ethical dimensions of AI, including concerns related to privacy, bias, and the impact on human dignity. The message stresses the need for responsible development, regulation, and oversight of AI technologies, highlighting potential risks in areas such as disinformation, social control, military, education, the workforce and international law.

The Holy Father calls for a cross-disciplinary dialogue, ethical development of algorithms (algo-ethics), and the inclusion of diverse voices in decision-making processes. By reminding us that the measure of true
humanity lies in how we treat the least among us, he concludes with a hopeful vision that AI
development may contribute to human fraternity and world peace: «for peace is the fruit of relationships
that recognize and welcome others in their inalienable dignity, and of sincere cooperation and
commitment in seeking the integral development of all individuals and peoples».

CHAPTER 1: The progress of science and technology as a path to peace
Science and technology, embodiments of human intelligence, stand as testaments to our creative potential. However, there are some risks we should reflect on and act upon if we want this progress to build a path towards peace for all.

CHAPTER 2: The future of artificial intelligence: between promise and risk
The rise of technology, especially artificial intelligence (AI), is transforming our world in significant ways (digital tools are reshaping how we communicate, learn, and interact in our daily lives). Behind the scenes, algorithms on the internet gather data, influencing our habits without us even realizing it.
It's important to recognize that the development of AI isn't neutral; it's influenced
by cultural values and choices. AI isn't a one-size-fits-all term; it covers various
technologies trying to imitate human cognitive abilities.
We need responsible actions guided by values like transparency, security, and
equity. We can't just assume that those creating AI have our best interests in mind.
As technology expands, we must develop it responsibly, keeping in mind human
dignity and the well-being of all.

CHAPTER 3: The technology of the future: machines that “learn” by themselves
Artificial intelligence, particularly through machine learning, is already reshaping societies and influencing cultures. While offering exciting possibilities, concerns arise regarding its reliability, as AI devices can produce seemingly coherent yet misleading content. This poses serious challenges, from disinformation campaigns to risks in privacy and discrimination, potentially fueling conflicts and hindering the pursuit of peace. Responsible navigation of these challenges is crucial for ensuring the positive impact of AI on
our world.

CHAPTER 4: The sense of limit in the technocratic paradigm
The vast amount of data analyzed by artificial intelligences doesn't guarantee impartiality; algorithms can perpetuate biases and injustices present in their origins. "Intelligent" machines, while efficient, are ultimately directed by human values. The risk lies in unclear decision criteria, concealed responsibility, and a potential escape from community-focused obligations. The obsessive pursuit of overcoming limits through technology can lead to a "technological dictatorship" and a loss of control over ourselves.

CHAPTER 5: Burning issues for ethics
Systems of categorization and evaluation of individuals managed by artificial intelligence give them a capacity for control and influence over the social fabric, which risks causing inequalities and generating power conflicts. The principles of ethics, the essential values of human being and their fundamental rights cannot be determined and evaluated by algorithms, but by people, with related supervisory and accountability tools.
In the workplace, the intrusion of AI poses risks to livelihoods, demanding a focus
on respect for the intrinsic dignity of labour.

CHAPTER 6: Shall we turn swords into ploughshares?
Ethical questions also arise in the armaments sector, especially with the development of Lethal Autonomous Weapon Systems. Adequate human oversight is essential — autonomous weapon systems can never be morally responsible subjects.
If used ethically, artificial intelligence could enhance human development, introducing innovations in agriculture, education, and culture. The measure of true humanity lies in how we treat the least among us.

CHAPTER 7: Challenges for education
The development of a technology that respects and serves human dignity has clear ramifications for our educational institutions and the world of culture. Education in the use of forms of artificial intelligence should aim above all at promoting critical thinking.

CHAPTER 8: Challenges for the development of international law
The human family must also consider the threat of their irresponsible development and use, and consequently the need for adequate systems of regulation and oversight.
The global community of nations should work together in order to adopt a binding international treaty that regulates the development and use of artificial intelligence in its many forms.
In the quest for normative models that can provide ethical guidance to developers of digital technologies, it is indispensable to identify the human values that should undergird the efforts of societies to formulate, adopt and enforce such regulatory frameworks.

Full text of Pope Francis's Message for the 57th World Day of Prayer for Peace, 1 January 2024 is available on:


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