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A Day of Music & Ministry

'Sing for Joy'

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Diocese Celebrates the Rite of Election

'Come to share the joys of Easter'

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Pope Francis' Message for Lent 2025

Let us Journey Together in Hope!

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Day of Prayer for Survivors of Abuse

Towards Healing

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Light the Fire - St. Patrick's Day

In the Footsteps of St. Patrick

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Bishops ask for Prayers for the Health of Pope Francis

United in Prayer

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A Prayer for Pope Francis' Recovery

'Health and wholeness sending'

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St. Teresa of Calcutta's Feast Day Inscribed in Roman Calendar

'Outstanding Witness of Hope'

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Accord Publish Research on Marriage, Family and Housing

Marriage, Children and Housing

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Celebrating the 400th Anniversary of the Birth of St. Oliver Plunkett

A Pilgrim of Hope

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Fr. Willie Doyle - Jubilee of Military Personnel - Fr. Deenihan's Address

'Work for the Kingdom of God'

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World Day of Prayer for the Sick - Dignity and Hope

'Encounter', 'Gift', 'Sharing'

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Pope Prays for Vocations to Priesthood and Religious Life

"God still calls young people today"

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Annual Blessing of Engaged Couples

"Let your grace be our portion always."

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Irish Jubilee Pilgrimage Sites 2025

"Pilgrims of Hope"

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Jubilee Youth Day 2025

"Pilgrims of Hope"

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New Jubilee Map Highlights Irish Connections in Rome

Irish Missionaries and the Eternal City

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Bishop Deenihan: Catholic Schools Week

"Follow the example of Jesus"

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Sr. Clare Crockett Takes a First Step Towards Sainthood

"All or Nothing!!"

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Word of God Sunday 2025

' I hope in your Word' (Ps. 119:74)

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Catholic Schools Week 2025

Alive in Christ!

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Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2025

18 - 25 January 2025

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Pope Francis' Message for World Day of Peace

Forgive us our trespasses: grant us your peace

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Bishop Deenihan Marks Solemn Opening of Jubilee

Pilgrims of Hope

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Patriarch of Jerusalem Visits Holy Family Church in Gaza

"We will never abandon you"

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Jubilee Year of Hope in Ireland

Spes Non Confundit

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Support Charities at Christmas

'The Wonder of Christmas'

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Diocese Launches Jubilee Pilgrimage to Rome

Pilgrims of Hope

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Fr. Frank MacNamara RIP

"Enter into the joy of Your Master"

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Digital Advent Calendar

Wait for the Lord!

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Pope Declares the First Millennial Saint

"Live as an original, so as not to die as a photocopy."

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Bishops' Statement on General Election 2024

'Shaping Our Country's Future'

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40 Hours Adoration

Come, let us adore the Lord.

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VIII World Day of the Poor

The Prayer of the Poor Rises up to God (Sir 21:5)

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John Paul II Awards 2024


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Come Away Weekend Kylemore Abbey

Rest Awhile

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Red Wednesday - Week of Witness

Solidarity with Persecuted Christians

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Mother Lucille CFR Returns to the Father's House (RIP)

Eternal rest grant unto her, O Lord.

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Final Document from Synod 2024 Released

Grazie milie!

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Pope Francis' New Encyclical on the Sacred Heart of Jesus

"He Loved Us"

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Visit of St. Bernadette's Relics

"I shall do everything for Heaven, my true home.' - St. Bernadette

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Diocesan Choir Celebrates 25 Years

Sing a new song unto the Lord!

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Fr. Declan Hurley Reflects on the Synodal Pathway

'In trust, confidence and love.'

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Irish Catholic Bishops' Conference Pastoral Letter

A Hundred Thousand Welcomes?

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Visit of the Relics of St. Bernadette 21-22 October

'Go in procession....'

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Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes 2024

"Go in procession......"

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Diocesan Pilgrimage Departs for Lourdes

'Go in procession....'

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Relics of Blessed Carlo Acutis Visits Navan 15-16 September 2024

“All people are born as originals but many die as photocopies”.

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Diocese Anticipates Visit of St. Bernadette's Relics

'Go in procession.....'

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Relics of Blessed Carlo Acutis Visits Navan

Blessed Carlo, Pray for Us.

©2021 by Diocese of Meath. Created with

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