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Lenten Resources 2024

Ash Wednesday Prayer Service


Seven Last Words

As Jesus hung on the Cross, he uttered 'seven last words' or seven last phrases recorded across all four gospels inviting Christians to contemplate his Passion and Death.  For centuries the Seven Last Words have formed various Lenten devotions for the reflection, prayer, and consolation of the Christian people.  This online prayer provided by Loyola Press commemorates each of the Seven Last Words in a separate meditation:

  •       Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do.

  •       Today, you will be with me in paradise.

  •       Woman, behold, your son! Behold, your mother!

  •       My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?

  •       I thirst.

  •       It is accomlished.

  •       Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit


Ash Wednesday Mass Text & Distribution of Ashes

Ash Wednesday Prayer Card

Biblical Significance of Ashes & Their Preparation

Bitesize Lent

Celebrating the Sacrament of Confession

Giving Up or Taking On

Living Lent - Almsgiving

Living Lent - Fasting

Living Lent - Prayer

Pioneer Lenten Challenge

School Prayer Service for Ash Wednesday

Stations of the Cross
Reflections 2024

©2021 by Diocese of Meath. Created with

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