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Celebrating Christmas Across the Diocese


For Unto us a Child is Born.Unto us a Son is Given.

The story of the Nativity, recounts the miraculous birth of Jesus in Bethlehem, that moment when hope entered the world.  Parishes across the diocese take great pride and joy in the tradition of erecting the crib at this time of year and invest time and energy in creating stunning depictions of the manger scene which captivates the imagination of people of all ages.  As we prepare to celebrate the Jubilee Year of 2025 – a Holy Year of Hope, parishes submitted photographs of the cribs erected in their local churches.


May Mary, Mother of Hope, draw us closer to the Mystery of the Incarnation – the Word made flesh - who dwelt amongst us.

Navan Parish


Christ has been born for us:
come, let us adore him.

Enfield-Rathmolyon Parish

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St. Michael's Church, Rathmolyon

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Parish Ourdoor Crib

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Church of the Assumption, Jordanstown

The angel said to the shepherds: 'I bring you news of great joy: today the Saviour of the world has been forn to you.  Alleluia.'

Carnaross-Mullaghea Parish

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Parochial House, Carnaross

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Church of St. Ciarán, Carnaross

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'Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace to those who enjoy His favour'.
(Lk. 2:14)

Church of St. Ciarán, Carnaross

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Carnaross National School

Kilcloon-Batterstown Parish


'For unto us a child is born'. (Is. 9:6)

Church of the Assumption, Batterstown

Coole-Whitehall Parish


Church of the Immaculate Conception, Coole

Church of St. John the Baptist, Whitehall

'O come, O come, Thou Rod of Jesse'

Clara-Horseleap Parish

'Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son'  (Is. 7:14)

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Church of St. Brigid, Clara

Dysart-Loughnavalley Parish


Silent night, holy night
All is calm,
all is bright
Round yon Virgin, Mother and Child
Holy Infant so tender and mild
Sleep in heavenly peace
Sleep in heavenly peace

Church of St. Patrick, Dysart


Church of the Assumption, Loughnavalley

Tubberclair/Glasson Parish

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Church of the Immaculate Conception, Tubberclair

Dunshaughlin-Culmullen Parish


Roadside Crib, Dunshaughlin


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Church of the Assumption, Ballinlough

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Church of St. Alphonsus Liuori, Kilskyre

Castlepollard Parish

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Blessing Crib - Square in Castlepollard

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Church of St. Michael, Castlepollard

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